Thursday, September 30, 2010


Mom taking Mason's temperature for the first time.

 Taking a break from the mask

A view through the humidity
Mason practicing his boxing skills

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mason's Story

August 13 - Up to this point everything throughout the pregnancy had been normal. We had an appointment on this day to do our 20 week ultrasound for an anatomy screen. We were very excited to find out if we were having a boy or girl. At this appointment we found out that baby wasn't growing as much as he should have been. Baby was about 3 weeks behind in growth. The doctor decided to do an amniocentesis and draw some labs.  We were sent home with no clear answer of why.  They were able to tell us that the baby is a boy. That afternoon the doctor's office called and said I have a clotting disorder of my blood called antiphopholipid antibody syndrome. This meant that my blood was to sticky/thick to make it through the small vessels of the placenta and get to the baby, which greatly hindered his growth. I was put on bedrest and started on heparin injections and baby aspirin that afternoon. 

September 3 - I was now 23 weeks pregnant and we were to have another ultrasound to see if the heparin, aspirin, and bedrest were effective.  We found out that the baby had only grown 50 grams in three weeks. The ultrasound also showed an abnormality in bloodflow to the baby's heart. This abnormality usually only lasts seven to ten day and then progresses to a more severe version. The doctor increased my heparin and scheduled us for weekly ultrasounds.

September 16 - Now 25 weeks pregnant the doctor decided to measure baby to see how much he had grown. He grew 100 grams in two weeks! He now weighed 420 grams. She said this is about what a normal baby would grow in that amount of time. For any lifesaving measures to be taken, the baby has to be at least 500 grams. Once baby could reach 500 grams, the doctor would weigh the pros and cons of baby being inside of me or outside. The bloodflow abnormality was unchanged at this time.

September 23 - Dr decided to see how much baby had grown at this appointment as weel because the bloodflow abnormality was still the same after three weeks. He now weighed 523 grams! He gained 100 grams in one week! The doctor decided it was time for me to be in the hospital for closer monitoring of baby's heart. Another obstacle that we encountered was increasing pressure in the baby's brain, which could mean that baby was in distress. I was admitted to the labor and delivery floor at McKennan Hospital for continuous 24 hour monitoring of the baby's heart and to receive steroids to help his lungs mature.  The plan was to repeat an ultrasound on Monday to decide if baby was doing ok inside of me or if he needed to come out.

September 27 - Since Thursday baby's heart had been stable. We went to the ultrasound at around 9:00 with the doctor at our side. As soon as she saw that the bloodflow abnormality had progressed to the worst stage she said we would be having ournbaby today. A c-section was planned for 11:30.  At 12:07 Mason David Bierschbach was born.  He came out crying with his eyes wide open.  The neonatologist and his team were there to take him instantly.  He tried to breath on his own but was unable to keep his heartrate up. They intubated him and off to the NICU he went with Joe by his side.