Friday, February 25, 2011


Mason had an appointment with the pulmonologist this past Monday.  They couldn't believe how big he has gotten.  He weighed 11 pounds 13 ounces and was 22 inches long.  Dr Will said that he thought Mason was doing really well and anticipated another couple of months on oxygen.  He said the average time for a baby like Mason to be on oxygen is 7 months.  Mason was due in December, so he thought somewhere around June or July we would be able to get rid of the oxygen.  He is still on 1/2 liter but the doctor said it doesn't matter how much he is on because the brain needs good oxygen supply to grow and develop and that is more important than decreasing the flow of oxygen.  He said that since his eyes are good we don't have to worry about the oxygen as much.  If his eyes weren't developing properly we would have to worry more about it because oxygen can cause blindness.  Otherwise, Mason has been eating amazingly well.  We started some rice cereal and he is really getting the hang of that after a week or two of trying.  He also slept 7 hours last night!!!  Every Friday an early childhood teacher comes in and works with us on things for Mason to be working on that week.  Last week we worked on holding onto things and introducing different textures.  This week we are going to work more on tummy time and the occupational therapist want to start introducing some oral stimulation to get his mouth stronger for eating actual food and talking.  Mason has started to have such a personality, he is smiling at us all the time when we make funny noises and faces. Such a happy little man considering everything he has been through in his life already!!

After bath time!!

He could stare at his mobile for hours!!

Godparents Randy and Alyssa came to visit!!

 Clothes from 2 months ago and clothes he wears now!!

Grandma Bonzi!!

 Holding on!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


First bite of cereal....not a fan.

 Grandpa Dave's present for Mason: A wrestling onesie and wrestling shoes with his initials on them.