Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day 64

Mason has been doing very good lately.  He is still on CPAP and his oxygen requirements have decreased significantly.  He is only requiring 25-35% oxygen right now. Room air is 21% oxygen.  They are allowing him to be on a nasal cannula two hours every six hours while I am holding him.  He really seems to enjoy the break from his CPAP mask.  His weight is now up to three pounds eight ounces. He is getting so big :)  His cheeks are really starting to fill out.  Feedings are going well too.  He is up to 31 ml every three hours of a breastmilk and formula combination.

Mason will probably be moving down to the third floor NICU pretty soon.  The third floor is a less acute unit.  He has become the good boy on the fourth floor.  Mom and dad were pretty nervous about leaving our comfort zone on the fourth floor.  Nurse Andrea took us on a tour of the third floor NICU and showed us how much room there is and how much more private it is.  She also reassured us that we would have the same nurses when possible.  His primary nurses would follow him down there.  We are now very ready to make the move. 

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Kangaroo Care

Mom and Mason doing kangaroo care while he is on a nasal cannula and off his CPAP.  We get to do this for one hour every six hours.  Depending on how he does, they will increase his time off of the CPAP.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Mason continues to be on CPAP and tolerating it very well.  The nurses and doctors say his lungs are sounding very good.  He is also doing well with feedings.  He is up to 23 ml every three hours.  He just needs to grow. Tonight after his bath he weighed 2 pounds 12 ounces. Here are some pictures of Mason all tucked in after his bath.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

MRSA free

Mason's final MRSA test came back negative. That is REAL good.  He no longer has to be in isolation.  Yippee!!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010


Mason has been on CPAP since Thursday and doing well.  They decreased his setting today since his blood gas this morning was good.  His feedings have been increased each day.  He is now up to 22ml every three hours.  The dietitian increased the calorie content of the breastmilk and added some extra fat as well.  He has been losing weight the past few days due to the fact that he is doing all the work on his own. Joe and I are able to actually hold him now too.  We swaddle him in a blanket and put him on our laps.  He does so well during it.  His oxygen demands are way down as well.  The nurse measured him last night and he is now 14 inches long.  All in all, the doctors are very pleased with how Mason is doing right now.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Day 44

Mason has been doing very well over the past week.  The doctors were able to wean his ventilator down to some very low settings.  They are hoping that they will be able to get him off the ventilator by the end of next week.  He did very well with the weaning. 

Feedings have been going well.  He was up to 20 ml of breastmilk fortified with vitamins every three hours.  The doctor did have to change him to continuous feedings of about 6-7ml every hour because he was having more residual left in his belly between feedings.  Before they give the next feeding they always check to see how much food is left in the stomach.  He was starting to have more and more so switching to continuous will help with this.  The doctor said he was pushing him with the 20 ml so it is ok to take a little break.  But the feedings are the most important right now, this is what is helping Mason grow and his lungs develop.  He is now 2 pounds 10 ounces and 13 inches long.

Mason is still on nitric but his oxygen requirements are down.  They were able to stop his antibiotics since his labs looked good.  All in all, Mason is doing very well right now.  The doctors are pleased with how he is progressing. 

Friday, November 5, 2010

Day 39

This week Mason has been stable.  His vent settings have gone up and down as usual. They have continued to increase his feedings. He is now up to full feedings of breast milk so they were able to take his PICC out and stop the IV feedings.  This is a major step and so far he is tolerating it very well.  Mom and dad have gotten to change some really full diapers :)  He now weighs 2 pounds 7 ounces.  He is getting so big!

He was started on epogen and iron to help bring up his blood levels so they don't have to be giving transfusions as much.  He was also started on a bunch of vitamins for supplementation.  He still has his days of being up and down on his oxygen needs.  The nurses say this is common for babies his age to be up and down like he is. 

The nitric oxide is back.  This time they believe that he needs it for his chronic lung disease and pulmonary hypertension (high blood pressure in his lungs).  They have looked at a lot of studies that show longer use of nitric helps with lung disease in premature babies. The doctor came in this morning that will be on for the next two weeks and said that him and Mason are going to get along well and have a good two weeks and he has high hopes for him.